Get a FREE Ring Video Doorbell or Zappos gift card when you take a discovery call with Scale Computing in October
Data-hungry zombies are at your door! What’s your next move? Will you hold down the fort or make a break for it? The choice is yours. And Scale Computing can help.
October is Cybersecurity Awareness month. While cybersecurity is crucial for the protection of any organization, no amount of network security or data encryption matters if you don’t have the right physical security solutions in place. Scale Computing is ready to help you solidify your stance against these bloodthirsty zombies. Build an infrastructure with a powerful cybersecurity stance that can survive just about anything, including a Zombie Apocalypse.
As cyberattacks become more sophisticated, keeping your critical business applications and data secured requires more effort than ever before. Scale Computing Data Protection Software eliminates downtime with built-in disaster recovery to keep critical production resources online without interruption. It provides VM-Level snapshots for easy, instant, point-in-time recovery that can be used to recover entire VMs or an individual file.
IT teams are under tremendous pressure to protect every piece of growing data, without impacting production systems. They need fast, scalable data, and ransomware protection that doesn’t consume all of their limited budgets. Scale Computing Data Protection Software enables IT managers to keep running in any situation by proactively preventing downtime, immediately and reliably restoring any piece of data, and scaling for growth.
Scale Computing Data Protection Software benefits include:
- Eliminated downtime: With HCI, high availability and disaster recovery can be built directly into the system to keep critical production resources online without interruption. SC//HyperCore is highly available by design, and replication and disaster recovery are simple and easy to manage native features.
- Reduced complexity: Complexity is the enemy of efficiency and can drive up costs. Complex IT infrastructures requiring high levels of expertise can now be replaced with streamlined HCI systems like SC//HyperCore.
- Lowered cost of ownership: The cost of HCI may be lower than expected. SC//HyperCore can greatly reduce the costs associated with managing IT infrastructure. SC//HyperCore requires less time and expertise to deploy, manage, maintain, and scale out. No other infrastructure solution is easier to use.
For October only, when you schedule a 60-minute discovery call with the Scale Computing team, we’ll send you the Zombie Apocalypse preparedness item of your choice – a FREE Ring Video Doorbell to further fortify your home from zombies, or a Zappos gift card if you want to make a break for it.